

This module implements further operations for analyzing OpenStreetMap data.

geohunter.util.contour_geojson(y, lonv, latv, cmin, cmax)

Supports plotting the result of kde_interpolation.

geohunter.util.kde_interpolation(poi, bw='scott', grid=None, resolution=1, area=None, return_contour_geojson=False)

Applies kernel density estimation to a set points-of-interest measuring the density estimation on a grid of places (arbitrary points regularly spaced).

  • poi (GeoDataFrame.) – Corresponds to input data.
  • bw ('scott', 'silverman' or float.) – The bandwidth for kernel density estimation. Check scipy docs about their bw parameter of gaussian_kde.
  • grid (GeoDataFrame or None, default is None.) – If a grid is not given, then it is provided according to the area parameter and resolution.
  • resolution (float, default is 1.) – Space in kilometers between the arbitrary points of resulting grid.
  • area (GeoDataFrame or None, default is None.) – If area is given, grid will be bounded accordingly with the GeoDataFrame passed.
  • return_contour_geojson (bool, default is False.) – If True, it returns the result of the kde as a contourplot in the geojson format.

  • GeoDataFrame with a grid of points regularly spaced with the respective
  • density values for the input points-of-interest given.


>>> import geohunter as gh
>>> poi = gh.osm.Eagle().get(bbox='(-5.91,-35.29,-5.70,-35.15)',
            amenity=['hospital' , 'police'], natural='*')
>>> neighborhood = gh.osm.Eagle().get(bbox='(-5.91,-35.29,-5.70,-35.15)',
            name='Ponta Negra')
>>> result = kde_interpolation(poi, bw='scott', area=neighborhood, resolution=0.5)
>>> ax = area.plot(edgecolor='black', color='white')
>>> result.plot(column='density', ax=ax)
geohunter.util.make_gridpoints(bbox, resolution=1, return_coords=False)

It constructs a grid of points regularly spaced.

  • bbox (str, GeoDataFrame or dict.) – Corresponds to the boundary box in which the grid will be formed. If a str is provided, it should be in ‘(S,W,N,E)’ format. With a GeoDataFrame, we will use the coordinates of the extremities. Also one can provide a dict with ‘south’, ‘north’, ‘east’, ‘west’.
  • resolution (float, default is 1.) – Space between the arbitrary points of resulting grid.
  • return_coords (bool) – If it is wanted to return the coordinate sequences.
geohunter.util.make_gridsquares(city_shape, resolution=1)

It constructs a grid of square cells.

  • city_shape (GeoDataFrame.) – Corresponds to the boundary geometry in which the grid will be formed.
  • resolution (float, default is 1.) – Space between the square cells.
geohunter.util.moran_i_ongrid(data, coords, d_threshold)

Organizes bbox to the standard format used in other places in the package and also in Overpass API.

Parameters:bbox (str, GeoDataFrame or dict.) – Corresponds to the boundary box wanted to be formatted.
Return type:str containing ‘(S,W,N,E)’ coordinates of the bounding box.
geohunter.util.q_ongrid(data, grid, strata_col)